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License free solution across the globe!


WT-600 features 100 channels in the license-free bandwidth between 2.404GHz and 2.472GHz, and allows the group to travel around the world without frequency restriction.


The most distinguished feature of model is that it enables two transmitters simultaneously on the same channel - a breakthrough for the tourism technology application. You can have two guides or a guide and an assistant on the same channel now!


The other significant feature is that the transmitter allows to synchronize channels with just a push of the button, no other peripherals required. Now the group leaders can easily manage the group channels avoiding any confustion of the participants.


Special Offer! Guiding/Whispering Set for 25 Persons:


1   HDC-525 Charging and Carry Case

1   DUT WT-600 Transmitter

24 DUR WT-600 Receivers

24 EM-101 Single-ear Softshell Headphones

25 N-32 Lanyards

1   HM-65A Behind-the-head microphone

1   LM-72A Lapel microphone


Please order additional units/components separately, subject to availability.

WT-600 Roam-Free Tour Guide & Whispering System for 25 Persons

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